PUMA the pet name for Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility. Many top automobile companies like GE, Segway etc are working on the project .The prototype is being developed and buzz is that by 2012 this may hit the roads.A new two wheeler, equipped with the gizmos and gadgets that you will ever dream of.Its features are:
Dynamic Stabilization
That’s fancy speak for the tech that enables balancing. It’s proprietary and full of benefits such as incredible maneuverability (true zero turning radius), a small footprint and providing a fantastically unique riding experience.
Electric Propulsion
Besides being clean and extremely efficient, electric propulsion enables fine adjustments to be made to each wheel (for turning and smoothing out the ride), and a precise, software-based approach to traction control and braking.
Intuitive User Interfaces
When you feel it, you know it. Segway’s approach to user control is that of minimalism and a natural connection between man and machine. Our innovative sensing technologies allow us to look beyond traditional controls that haven’t changed dramatically since the introduction of the automatic transmission.
Mechanical controls are so yesterday. We’re all about using the latest in sensory technology to enable safe control through redundant systems that provide input for acceleration, braking, steering, and other functions.
Smart battery management
Segway is one of the world’s largest customers of large format batteries, and was at the forefront of the development of Lithium Ion batteries for transportation. We’ve learned a lot about the advanced sensing needed inside and applied this expertise to allow for more efficient energy use that leads to a longer battery life. Add in regenerative braking capability (being able to recharge while decelerating) and that’s some smart battery tech.
Digital Dashboard
Get all the information you need about system operation through connected devices. Speed, battery life, and other connectivity information are all conveyed over a secure wireless connection to a handheld device that can be mounted on the dash.
So, i hope that you guys would save your bugs for the future vehicle and hit the roads of Hyderabad, causing more traffic jams.
Do u know what u have written?
ReplyDeleteha ha i expected this sort of a comment from you. Yes prior to referring the site of GE i too was innocent on this topic.Now am not, and i feel you also got some information.In this busy world S/W professionals like you dont find time to know the technical advancements going in other fields.So its for people like you.