Friday, April 24, 2009

The roar of Democracy..

The Elections are over, public meetings, rallies, road shows every thing have come to an end from yesterday (at least for some time) . The fate of the leaders from political parties is sealed in the EVM box.The election commission has put a marathon effort by conducting the election in free peaceful and fair manner(some exceptions allowed).All the attention now shifts to the counting date.I am very happy that this time youth participated largely in the elections.This is what the state and country needs. Most of the people who were viewing the election day as a public holiday all these days, casted their vote .Thanks to the campaing from various organizations like "JAAGO REY" , "LEAD INDIA" etc. this time the polling percentage in A.P rose to a mamoth 70%(much is to be done though).
The drama unveils on may 16.Till then the leaders sure will have sleepless nights.At this moment i would like to take time to praise the main War Horses Mr.I.V.Subba Rao and Mr.Mohanthy who had taken stringent steps to control the negative forces that were trying to deviate the Voters mind.A lot of Money,Liquor, jewellery,sport kits were seized before they changed the hands.
I have a special praise to my good friend Mr.Rakesh reddy who tried to enlighten his peers & friends about the importance of voting where ever possible and with what ever means(blogs, orkut,mobile,email,community).
All hail Democracy, All hail Democratic India. Jai Hind.

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